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Writer: Jayant BanerjeeJayant Banerjee

Tracy is a hired killer. The mission required her to reach Dubai where Ibrahim Sarfraz – a weapons dealer operating from Switzerland  was holidaying in a glitzy hotel. The task was assigned by Pakistan’s Intelligence Wing (ISI) to kill Ibrahim at his hotel suite.

It was April 2009 and Ibrahim was finishing his dinner with his aides and strolling towards his room, he was happy as beautiful blonde Suzanne was waiting for him - it would be a wonderful night he chuckled.

“Good evening, Mr. Ibrahim, how do you do?” Ibrahim looked at her and was shocked, the girl was not Suzanne. “Who the hell are you(?)”. 

“You will come to know soon dear.

Tracy snarled. Ibrahim ran towards the bathroom, “Help, help!”. 

There was no one. Tracy snapped her Beretta and flashed one bullet towards Ibrahim, it missed the target. She doubled up and in one swift movement was in front of Ibrahim, she pushed him to the chair and fired three shots !!

                                                            Ibrahim Sarfraz was dead instantly.

5 years ago. Tracy Halbaum had been a college dropout working as a car washer in Stuttgart, Germany. After long hours at the shop going back home had been a drag. She had been living with Alex Hummer, a ruffian to say the least – she was disgusted  with his wild ways and often wept, she could not walk out from this penury. She was waiting for an opportunity to wriggle out of this appalling mess.

And one day that opportunity came.

Tracy heard Alex shouting in his car, “Come into the car quickly, Police is after me. What happened?” Tracy jerked and ran inside the car, Alex was running the car at break neck speed and was crashing shops here, vegetable carts there. “Stop the car, Alex– Tracy shouted. Out of nowhere a police car came running in front of them and crashed into their car. Alex and one of his friends came out of the car and started running, the Sergeant told him to stop and as Alex opened fire the Sergeant shot him in his chest.

After that incident Tracy’s life changed for the better.


Rafiq Ahmed, the station chief, was piping his cigar. It was 10 AM at Islamabad and he was briefing two people an important assignment that they had to carry in India.

One of them was Tracy. Rafiq knew Tracy was the right fit for the job !!

“Let me introduce you to Azim Sultan of Pakistan Secret Service. Azim is working very closely with me on critical assignments in India. He will assist you to complete your mission seamlessly.”

“What is the job(?),”  Tracy was anxious as she knew operating in India would not be easy.

“Look, Tracy – Rafiq dropped his chin very close to the table and met Tracy eye on eye, “the last assignment would be paid in cash, USD 1 million in this office before you leave for India.”

“That will do.” She seemed happy.

“The task I am assigning you now would fetch you USD 5 million, half as advance and the rest after eliminating the target.”

“But…!” Tracy was curious.

Miss Firdaus Kenni is the chief editor of the news channel, Independent. She has been lately writing excellent reports about Pakistan’s involvement in terrorist activities in Jammu and Kashmir as well as in Manipur.”

“I see,” Tracy quipped.

“We are very disturbed at what Madam Firdaus is writing. She is at present holidaying, you will be given her co-ordinates very soon, prepare for the journey - your passport and other documents would be handed over to you by Azim at the airport.”

Tracy was in Paris to see her mother when a phone call came from Rafiq Ahmed. She had been summoned to Islamabad to report for duty. Azim would meet her at Karachi International Airport on Sunday afternoon, 1 pm. The operation had been codenamed Glass.

Performing as a hired killer was not easy for Tracy. After getting picked up by the Pakistan Intelligence Wing in Germany she underwent two years of rigorous training. Rafiq was very impressed with Tracy’s skills and she sprang to the top tier of Rafiq’s army very soon.

Firdaus Kenny’s Mumbai Nariman Point office was buzzing with activity. The Chairman Atul Mohan of Independent  believed in his Chief Editor and Firdaus had earned a name for herself as a vibrant and successful political journalist! She was driven and can go to any length to unearth a piece of information. Independent as a news channel had an excellent reputation, a large part of the credit went to Firdaus.

“Sir, I need a break. I desperately want to spend some time with Family, Nisith (her husband) has given me ultimatum.”

“When last you took a holiday Firdaus?” Atul was smiling at her.

“I think two years back and that too was cancelled by you Atul, thanks to the TRP we got on the huge breaking news, I was able to run for a few days!!”

“Well, I’m telling in front of Nisith, this time I wouldn’t because the piece you are handling on Kashmir extremism can’t wait.”  Atul was smiling.

“Give me a week Atul, the tickets and hotel bookings had been finalised, I need to go.”  This time Firdaus was a bit irritated.

“Ok, ok. Don’t get disturbed, I’ll not stop you. So, you’re joining on 15th, right?”


“Chalo, all the best. Enjoy yourself, ring me if you need anything.”

That night Firdaus, with her family, had a wild blast at Atul’s house, these were the house parties Atul excelled in, and the staff were happy they worked under a young Director!


Firdaus and Nisith checked in at Hilton Mauritius Resort. It was a sunny afternoon and Firdaus decided she would not miss a day, lunch outside and then sight-seeing on boat!

A quick check in and they were out for lunch, grilled fish with champagne, French onion soup in wine, chocolate souffle, crepes coupled with salade nicoise. Boeuf Bourguignon was marvellous, the dessert tarte tartin had the rustic upside-down caramelized apple tart having a deep buttery flavour.

Nisith: I’m full and raring !!  Excellent food had lifted the spirits of Nisith and Firdaus.

Firdaus: Wait, darling – we just need to hire a boat for the waters. Give the papers please.

In no time Firdaus was on the boat, the flush green waters of Indian Ocean were mesmerizing. Time flew like no other as Firdaus and Nisith ambled across the scenic beauty of wonderful Mauritius. Another boat was behind them, a couple, kissing, perhaps in their thirties, and laughing – it seemed odd to Nisith somehow – but yes, all have come to enjoy the waters.

Have I seen the girl(?),  Nisith glanced once again, the boat was quite afar and Firdaus was calling him.

Tracy checked in at the adjacent hotel with a different passport – Nikita Downing was a British national holidaying in Mauritius !!

Tracy: Hi, Sushil, (Azim checked in Hotel Taj Mahal, Mumbai as Sushil Gupta – a real estate co-ordinator) the glass consignment has arrived here, I’m close to the consignment. Message Boss.

Azim: Copy that. Change the phone and I’ll text you the next move.

                             ISI HEADQUARTERS, ISLAMABAD. DECEMBER 23, 2009

Rafiq: The asset has reached destination and establishing contact. Tell local operatives to signal for activation of eyeball.

1st Officer: Yes, sir.

Rafiq to Azim: Tell asset all angles of Glass fully operative, additional resource on standby, asset to furnish co-ordinates to stand by.

Azim: Ok.

Tracy: Target co-ordinates found, back up with active eye balls.

Azim: Eyeballs activated; movement routed to wire.

Tracy: Copy that.

Azim to Rafiq: Target on easy reach, paused for suitable time to initiate Glass.

Rafiq to Azim: Tell operative to lookout for active cameras on location, operative to kill cameras immediately activating Glass.

Azim: Ok, sir.

Nisith noticed the boat was again speeding towards them, the couple giggling and dancing – as it tried to go past, it swerved rapidly towards left leaving Nisith’s boatman with no option but to speed along the coast on the left. Firdaus indicated she needed to get down for some moment ! She needed some time on the coast !!

The coast was full of large, dense foliage with trees in between bearing fruits she had never seen. Firdaus could spend some time here, she thought and was happy for the time well spent.

All of a sudden, without sound or warning, a black Doberman crashed through the dense foliage, its frenzy breathtaking. Before Nisith could react, the dog, salivating, lunged into Firdaus’ stomach in full force, its teeth bared. The whole thing happened in seconds and Firdaus, in shock and disbelief, jumped into the nearby water. The dog followed her into the water and before Firdaus could close her eyes, she saw a woman silhouette approaching her with a gun.

Tracy had fired two shots at Firdaus and came swiftly from the water and their boat sped away before Nisith could comprehend what happened. Tracy had to eliminate the Doberman and one shot on the head was enough.

Back in the hotel, after dinner, Tracy made love with her partner on the boat, she was helpless – Donald would be too dangerous for her mission. He had to be silenced !!

Azim wired 50,000 dollars to Firdaus’ boatman; he had done a splendid job navigating the boat to the desired direction. She rapidly gathered her belongings and headed for the airport, she had to catch the late-night Quantas flight to Sydney!

Mauritius, 10 January, 2010 - Mauritius expelled three high-ranking police officers in connection with the world-wide search for a woman called Nikita, who was believed to be an important link in an international terrorist network.

The suspect, whose real name, thought to be Tracy Halbaum, was being sought in the killing of one Indian high profile national and an Italian informer at a posh hotel on 23 December, 2009.

The two killings had led the police at the site and in Britain to what they felt was the trail of a major network of international terrorist agents. In the search for Nikita, Mauritian and British policemen discovered large arms caches that linked to an international network.

Next morning Tracy flew from Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport to Athens, she hadn’t seen her little sister Isabelle for a long time. Isabelle was suffering from Cerebral palsy !!

                                                                                                                                      …………. to be continued. Will Tracy get caught (?). Please visit the next article to know more about Firdaus, Azim and Tracy !!

Disclaimer: All characters in this article are imaginary and have no resemblance to any person(s) dead or alive.



Jul 16, 2024

Why kill a dogggggg

Jayant Banerjee
Jayant Banerjee
Jul 29, 2024
Replying to

The killer mentality. The dog could be a problem in future because Tracy was not sure if she had killed Firdaus!!


Jul 16, 2024

The idea of Tracy being a killing machine and Firdaus been the victim matches will the kill bill story point

Jayant Banerjee
Jayant Banerjee
Jul 29, 2024
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Jul 11, 2024

What if firdaus is alive ??

Jayant Banerjee
Jayant Banerjee
Jul 29, 2024
Replying to

We will see that in Part-II.


Jul 11, 2024

Well put . Sure some next volume comin

Jayant Banerjee
Jayant Banerjee
Jul 29, 2024
Replying to

Part-II has been published !!


Jul 11, 2024

Starnge to see

Jayant Banerjee
Jayant Banerjee
Jul 29, 2024
Replying to

What is so strange??

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